September 23, 2008

My "A" Team

My wedding this past weekend had a very tight time line. I basically would have had to be in two places at once if not for my wonderful assistants. Being the perfectionist that I am I tend to think that I am the only one that will do it the way it should be. Amanda and Angie proved me wrong this weekend.

I had to leave all reception set up in their hands so that I could make it back in time for the ceremony. When I returned back to the reception site I was amazed at how well it looked. When I went through my check list they had handled everything and I didn't have to change a thing. I realized then how blessed I am to have such great assistants and sisters!

Not only do they get the job done but we have such a blast working together. I am truly blessed. Check out the picture of my "A" team above!

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